Moss Landing
One of the side-benefits of visiting Monterey has been spending time around Moss Landing and Elkhorne Slough…
Elusive Desert Critters
Knowing the chances to see this California native are few and far between, that moment still haunts me…
San Luis NWR
On a recent road trip, I noticed that San Luis National Wildlife Refuge sat at a perfect stopping point…
Amateur Photographer
I’ve been an Amateur Photographer reader for a few years now and this week I was honored they printed a few of my photos…
One Day in Point Reyes
If there was any doubt this is a special place and must be protected, today was the reassurance anyone should need…
Clash of the Titans
The return of the elephant seals to our coastline is a winter highlight in California…
2020, Top Nine
Showcasing your top nine photos from the year has become an Instagram tradition, but I like picking my own favorites…
Weasel Behavior
In the past couple of months I’ve been lucky enough to spend time photographing two long-tailed weasels…
Western Screech-Owl
I’d been there for almost two hours when something gray appeared in the cavity…
Today though, I was lucky enough to spend time with two species of the genus: a long-tailed weasel and an American badger…
Whale Watching
For a change of scenery and an opportunity to see more of the diverse wildlife California has to offer, we went whale watching in Monterey Ba...
Save the Tule Elk
The National Park, who should be prioritizing our natural environment, has issued a final plan to both extend ranching activities and cull native Tule Elk...