Save the Tule Elk

Tule Elk Protest, Point Reyes National Seashore

Tule Elk Protest, Point Reyes National Seashore

For anyone who knows me or my photography, you can probably guess that I think Point Reyes is a pretty special place. My images tend to showcase the fantastic wildlife and the environment’s natural beauty. Still, unfortunately, there’s a less attractive side to the seashore and one that is currently set to get worse.

When Point Reyes was established as a National Seashore and became public land, the ranchers who occupied the place accepted hundreds of millions of dollars to see out their decades-long leases and then vacate the park. Far beyond that term, they’re still significantly damaging the landscape and the wild animals who need this sanctuary. Right now, however, the situation is escalating because the National Park, which should be prioritizing our natural environment, has issued a final plan to both extend ranching activities and cull native Tule Elk to make that possible.

We have less than a month before this plan is signed into action. There is no shortage of issues to demand our outrage and action right now, but if you care about our natural world, I’d ask you to consider taking two simple steps to help:

  1. Educate yourself on the problem at any of the links below. Many have short documentaries.

  2. And if you feel the way I do, contact California Governor Gavin Newsom, the Coast Commission, and any other elected officials who can apply pressure. Templated messages can be found here.

Thank you!

Links: For Elk | Restore Point Reyes | Restore Point Reyes National Seashore | Point Reyes Rewilding Network | The Shame of Point Reyes | Save Point Reyes |

Tule Elk Protest, Point Reyes National Seashore
Tule Elk Protest, Point Reyes National Seashore

Redwood National Park


John Muir