My White Whale, Part 2
Another chance to encounter one of the ocean’s most intelligent and formidable predators—the orca…
As I look ahead to 2025, I’m committed to keeping this intentional approach to wildlife photography…
Top Nine, 2024
When I sat down to pick my favorite nine images from 2024, I had a few realizations…
Best Day Ever
Imagine you went to Tahoe, hoping to photograph some black bears. What would the perfect day look like…
My White Whale, Part 1
An early rise, plenty of coffee, and a long drive to the central coast. But Monterey Bay is always worth the effort…
Super Creeps
Spiders seem to trigger something deep within us—an ancient, instinctive shudder…
Triple Threat
This is a story about one ubiquitous species and why they deserve a second glance…
Unusual Mortality
This past weekend, I sadly encountered the body of a sea lion pup washed up on the shore at McClures Beach…
A Missed Opportunity
I didn’t expect the northern lights would ever be visible in California, but this past week, they were … and I missed it!
World Book Day, 2024
This year, I thought I’d share five of the best I’d read in the last twelve months, plus a bonus children’s book…
Beach Masters
With their pendulous noses, blubbery mass, and scarred chest plates, Northern Elephant Seals aren’t known for chiseled good looks…
Bay Area Salamanders
There are a couple of lakes in the Mount Tamalpais Watershed where I can easily find salamanders at this time of year…
Perfect Conditions
Not perfect light and weather conditions, but for someone starved of photo opportunities, I couldn’t have asked for more…
Pick-up Shots
To maximize limited photography time, I’ll focus on what I call ‘pick-up shots’…
Top 9, 2023
In 2023, I took far fewer wildlife photos than normal, but I was able to see some new species and try out some new techniques…
Bearly Visible
In California, there are bears everywhere! They’re on hats, shirts, snow globes, and they’re emblazoned on our state flag…
As one of the iconic species living in our state, tarantulas have been on my photography wishlist for a long time…
A Family Affair
As soon as I arrived, I was greeted with the heartwarming sight of a mother and her two young pups…