Red Fox

Red Fox, Bay Area

Thanks to the eagle eyes of a colleague, I recently got the chance to observe a family of red foxes who live in a little oasis in a sprawling urban area. I haven’t been able to spend much time with them, and so far, I haven’t seen any kits, but it’s been such a treat to watch them go about their business.

The highlight for me was the image below. Sitting back, watching wildlife, and just hoping they naturally position themselves in a way that allows you to make the portrait you imagined is a game of patience that rarely pays off. I’m very grateful that this fox sat exactly where I hoped it would, looked in the direction I’d have chosen, and held still just long enough for a photo. I’m feeling very lucky with this one.

Red Fox, Bay Area
Red Fox, Bay Area
Red Fox, Bay Area

Moss Landing


Morro Bay