Morro Bay

Sea Otter, Morro Bay

Morro Bay is one of California’s best places to see the recovering sea otter population. I’d never been before, but thankfully, it was another easy stop on our recent road trip. We spent a few hours there in the middle of the day, so the light was harsh and far from ideal for photography, but the place was full of life.

As soon as we parked, California ground squirrels and western fence lizards were on the rocks around us. On Morro Rock, peregrines circled while gulls mated and cormorants built their nests. The otters were the star of the show, though. I loved seeing the ones in the wild surf navigating the breaking waves and rocky harbor, but one specific otter hunting in the calm bay held my attention long enough.

This otter brought up a crab and, balancing it on its stomach, systematically pulled the legs off one by one while the helpless crab waited for the moment it was finished off. The whole time the otter munched, a gull floated around it, waiting for the perfect opportunity to snag a mouthful. The way the otter ate, balanced the crab, and effortlessly maneuvered around the gull all at once was impressive.

Sea Otter, Morro Bay
Sea Otter, Morro Bay
Western Gulls, Morro Bay
California Ground Squirrel, Morro Bay
Sea Otter, Morro Bay

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