Whale Watching

Humpback Whale Breaching, Monterey Bay

We went whale watching in Monterey Bay last week for a change of scenery and an opportunity to see more of California’s diverse wildlife. The giant submarine canyon just offshore offers much deeper water than you’d expect, filled with the cool water and nutrient-rich environment necessary to attract all kinds of ocean-dwelling mammals and sea birds.

No trip is ever guaranteed sightings, but we lucked out this time. A mother and calf humpback whale pair were cruising around and ready to put on a show. They swam under the boat, raised their heads vertically out of the water in a ‘spy hop’ position, conducted fluke-up dives, and breached multiple times. It was incredible to watch, and the crew of the Princess Monterey Whale Watching boat did a fantastic job of positioning us exactly where we needed to be.

Humpback Whale spy hopping, Monterey Bay
Humpback Whale Breaching, Monterey Bay
Humpback Whale Breaching, Monterey Bay
Humpback Whale fluke up dive, Monterey Bay


