2020, Top Nine

Best 9 Images, 2020

Showcasing your top nine photos from the year has become an Instagram tradition, but I like picking my own favorites. Sometimes, the strangest choices catch fire, and the ones you love sink without a trace. Most of this year’s selections were portraits as I tried to capture high-quality images of a wide range of species.

It’s nice to look back and reflect on the previous year’s highlights, but I have two big takeaways to look forward to. Firstly, with so many portraits, I want to expand my portfolio in 2021 with images that showcase more of the environment around the animals and capture more behavior to tell a bigger story. And secondly, in a world currently locked down with a pandemic, I feel so lucky to live in a place with abundant native species. Understanding the way they interact and the parts they play in those ecosystems will continue to be a focus beyond the images themselves.


Clash of the Titans


Weasel Behavior