Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Cat Fight

I thought the whole situation was coming to an end when out of nowhere they just erupted into violence…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


Recently, a migratory flock of American White Pelicans has taken up residence at Corte Madera Marsh Ecological Reserve…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


As Fall seems to have settled on the Bay Area, there may not be the epic burst of color you see in other places, but the land is changing…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


Today though, I was lucky enough to spend time with two species of the genus: a long-tailed weasel and an American badger…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Whale Watching

For a change of scenery and an opportunity to see more of the diverse wildlife California has to offer, we went whale watching in Monterey Ba...

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


It started with a road trip in a rented RV that we figured would allow us to celebrate my 40th birthday while social distancing…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


The falcon completely devoured the other bird, tearing out chunks of flesh and picking feathers from its beak…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss


Something white caught my eye and I realized there were two fledglings sitting together on top of the next tree…

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