Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Winter Light

Winter light is my favorite. Cold light, if that’s not a contradiction in terms, has a special kind of magic…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Birds of Tahoe

It took me a surprisingly long time to develop an appreciation for birds. I don’t know why I stayed ignorant for so long…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Fin Whales

An incredible thing happened; two fin whales, the gray hounds of the sea, showed up and spent half an hour swimming alongside the boat…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Island Foxes

Visiting a National Park is reason enough for me to make a trip, but there was a bonus waiting on the other side of the crossing: an animal that’s found nowhere else on the planet…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

California Newts

I discovered a few newts swimming in a stream that flowed into a nearby lake, and they were interesting to watch but hard to photograph…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

2021 Wrap-up

It didn’t take long to build a calendar of events that allowed me to both optimize my time and see as much as possible…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Roosevelt Elk

The low, fall light was illuminating them with rim lighting and glistening on their antlers, and I couldn’t believe my luck…

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Wildlife Derick Carss Wildlife Derick Carss

Black Bears

I froze in my tracks and just listened. I told myself the rustling could be anything, but I knew it was something bigger than a chipmunk…

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