Maui, Hawai‘i

I believe that one of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to prioritize the activities that energize us. If you’re an extrovert, prioritize social time, and if you’re an introvert like me, protect your quiet time. It’s good for your mental health, and in turn, you’ll show up for those you care about in the right way. And, if you’re fortunate enough to take a vacation, choosing places and activities that replenish your energy is vital, too.

We knew we needed some downtime to relax and decompress, and it was nice to move a little slower and lie by the pool for a while. But I, for one, get restless if I hold still too long. We needed to experience new things and have some adventures to truly feel refreshed. That’s the reason we visited Maui for a holiday and a babymoon.

I’m a morning person, and I love to feel like I’m seizing the day. If I can fuel up on coffee and breathe some fresh air before the crowds amass, I’m already a happy camper. And, when I discovered this window of opportunity to watch little lizards bask amongst the hotel landscaping without feeling like people were watching me, it became my morning ritual.

The earliest rise, though, was very early! On the second day of vacation, we got up at 2:30 in the morning with a very specific objective in mind. We drove to Haleakala National Park to watch the sunrise from the top of a volcano. Sometime after five, I set up my tripod in the dark and tried to choose a composition with guesswork. It was all worth it, though, as the first cold, pink light of morning appeared in the sky, and when the sun peaked above the ocean of clouds below, we got the opportunity to see and photograph something special.

Exploring Haleakala National Park in the morning was a treat. I thought I might be exhausted, but it energized me. A chukar (Alectoris chukar) joined us at the summit and, further below, watched native honeycreepers in Hosmer Grove. The island was living and breathing along with us, and it felt good to be awake.

I’d never tried to snorkel before but armed with a GoPro, a new world opened up underwater. When it comes to wildlife in Hawai’i, there are so many incredible species of birds and fish to see, but sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) really captured my imagination. The opportunity to see them sleep in the sun and effortlessly swim underwater was something I’d never experienced before.

The rest of the week, we blended relaxation and adventure with more than a little sunburn. I don’t think we’ve ever returned from a trip with so many great memories and photos, but more to the point, we flew home feeling more energized than ever, and we’ll need that for the next big adventure!


In motion…


Birds of Tahoe