Tule Elk Rut

With a baby on the way very soon, I’ve been chasing one last sequence of images until I have more time on my hands: the tule elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) rut. It’s actually a very challenging thing to photograph in the Bay Area, not because the animals are hard to find, but because of the weather. 

Typically, I’m limited to weekends or an hour after work (if lucky), and it’s always better to aim for golden hour light. In the fall, however, fog often rolls in, dampening the light or obscuring the view altogether. And when it’s clear, it’s often so warm that the elk aren’t active. Finding the right combination of light, availability, and temperature is tough.

I did manage to get a handful of images I liked, but this might be a must-year project.


Little Falcon


In motion…