Reading the Signs

Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore

Every bobcat encounter I have is unique. Sometimes, they’re very chill when they know you’re watching (and they almost always do), and sometimes they’re skittish. Obviously, I try to minimize my impact on their activities, and I’m getting better at reading the signs every time. I’ve made mistakes in the past and spooked cats that are just trying to earn a living. It never feels good, and I’d rather walk away if I get the sense they’re intimidated.

One thing that’s helped me weigh up these situations is carrying a mental list of images I’d like to get. I’ve been fortunate to capture many nice bobcat portraits in the past couple of years, but the photos I’d like to create now are more about behavior. I’m looking for hunting, pouncing, interactions, and coming up with prey. A scared cat isn’t going to demonstrate any of those behaviors, and that’s another reason to let them be.

My most recent bobcat images were really rewarding. I spotted the cat from a distance and sat in my car, watching from the window. It knew I was there–a silver SUV isn’t as conspicuous as I’d like–but as it hunted, it came closer and closer. When it reached a point when I could take some images I’d be happy with, it was slightly out of sight behind a bush, so I decided to get out quietly.

I walked into the long grass and found a safe vantage point. The bobcat looked directly at me and went about its business. I breathed a sigh of relief and held still. Soon, it became laser-focused on something and crouched, ready to pounce. I froze, scared to lose focus, and just waited. The pounce that followed was low to the ground and impossible to photograph, but when it raised its head, the bobcat had a plump gopher in its mouth.

I was rewarded with a few images of it, the prey dangling from its jaws, before turning to find a spot to eat. I thought about following for a second, but I knew that was pushing it. I hadn’t managed such a clear shot of this behavior before and decided that was all I needed. I think we both left feeling happy with our prizes.

Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore
Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore
Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore
Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore

Black Bears


Ocean Adventures