Death Valley

Mesquite Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park

With a week off between jobs, I was looking for somewhere within reach I could take landscape photos for a few days. Death Valley was the perfect option: far enough to merit a special trip but near enough to drive. Even though it’s a desert, the variety of landscapes is astonishing. And the place is enormous! That meant a lot of planning to see everything I wanted under the right conditions, but it was worth it.

I visited Death Valley a few years ago, and, to be honest, I shot many of the same landscapes. But that was intentional because this was an opportunity to see how far my photography has come since then. I also experimented with panorama stitching and focus stacking (after being inspired by Thomas Heaton’s fantastic YouTube channel). I was pleased with the results, but Zabriskie Point at sunrise was the trip’s highlight.

Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park
The Racetrack, Death Valley National Park
Mesquite Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park
Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park
Chuckwalla, Death Valley National Park
Painted Lady Butterfly, Death Valley National Park


