California striped racer, Kings Canyon National Park: 200mm | ƒ4.0 | ISO 100 | 1/400 sec

Other Wildlife of California

It’s possible that we have the most to learn from the creatures we find the most challenging to relate to.


It’s rare that I go in search of non mammalian or avian species but whenever I’m lucky enough to encounter them, I’m always left in awe by the rich and complex roles they play in our ecosystem. You can miss a lot when you’re not paying attention.

Western pond turtle, Lake Lagunitas

Western pond turtle, Lake Lagunitas: 500mm | ƒ8 | ISO 2000 | 1/500 sec

Painted lady, Death Valley National Park

Painted lady, Death Valley National Park: 600mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 100 | 1/640 sec

Great basin fence lizard, Joshua Tree National Park

Great basin fence lizard, Joshua Tree National Park: 35mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 100 | 1/400 sec

California slender salamander, Point Reyes National Seashore: 35mm | ƒ4 | ISO 1000 | 1/320 sec

Common chuckwalla, Death Valley National Park

Common chuckwalla, Death Valley National Park: 600mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 100 | 1/400 sec

Desert horned lizard, Death Valley National Park

Desert horned lizard, Death Valley National Park: 50mm | ƒ4 | ISO 100 | 1/250 sec

Mountain garter snake, Yosemite National Park

Mountain garter snake, Yosemite National Park: 35mm | ƒ2.8 | ISO 100 | 1/4000 sec

White tail dragonfly, Lake Lagunitas

White tail dragonfly, Lake Lagunitas: 500mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 320 | 1/1000 sec

Great basin whiptail, Joshua Tree National Park

Great basin whiptail, Joshua Tree National Park: 500mm | ƒ8 | ISO 320 | 1/1000 sec

Crab claw, Point Reyes National Seashore

Crab claw, Point Reyes National Seashore: 50mm | ƒ2.8 | ISO 160 | 1/1000 sec

Rough-skinned newt, Lake Lagunitas

Rough-skinned newt, Lake Lagunitas: 70mm | ƒ4 | ISO 1600 | 1/80 sec

California Brown Tarantula, Mount Diablo State Park

California brown tarantula, Mount Diablo State Park: 35mm | ƒ2.8 | ISO 100 | 1/1600 sec

San Francisco Alligator Lizard, Point Reyes National Seashore

San Francisco alligator lizard, Point Reyes National Seashore: 600mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 100 | 1/160 sec

Western side-blotched lizard, Joshua Tree National Park

Western side-blotched lizard, Joshua Tree National Park: 114mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 100 | 1/250 sec

Lined shore crab, Moss Landing State Beach: 500mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 500 | 1/500 sec

Mojave zebra-tailed lizard, Joshua Tree National Park

Mojave zebra-tailed lizard, Joshua Tree National Park: 200mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 100 | 1/1000 sec

Banana slug, Memorial County Park

Banana slug, Memorial County Park: 35mm | ƒ3.5 | ISO 400 | 1/15 sec

California newt, Lake Lagunitas: 35mm | ƒ3.5 | ISO 5000 | 1/60 sec

Red-eared slider (non-native species), Lake Lagunitas

Red-eared slider (non-native species), Lake Lagunitas: 500mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 500 | 1/500 sec

Coast range fence lizard, Lake Lagunitas

Coast range fence lizard, Lake Lagunitas: 363mm | ƒ6.3 | ISO 800 | 1/1000 sec

Great white shark, Monterey Bay

Great white shark, Monterey Bay: 35mm | ƒ5.6 | ISO 100 | 1/160 sec

Convergent ladybug beetles, Mount Diablo State Park

Convergent ladybug beetles, Mount Diablo State Park: 50mm | ƒ3.5 | ISO 100 | 1/40 sec

Western sagebrush lizard, Mount Whitney

Western sagebrush lizard, Mount Whitney: 35mm | ƒ4 | ISO 100 | 1/1600 sec

Arboreal salamander, Lake Lagunitas: 35mm | ƒ3.2 | ISO 100 | 1/80 sec

Pacific gopher snake, Tolay Lake Regional Park: 70mm | ƒ3.5 | ISO 100 | 1/1600 sec

Western forest scorpion, Marin County: 35mm | ƒ9 | ISO 1600 | 1/80 sec

Variegated meadowhawk, Mount Diablo State Park: 500mm | ƒ8 | ISO 250 | 1/1600 sec

Oregon Ensatina, Lake Lagunitas

Oregon ensatina: 35mm | ƒ9 | ISO 6400 | 1/125 sec

Coast garter snake, Point Reyes National Park: 35mm | ƒ5.6 | ISO 100 | 1/250 sec

American Bullfrog (non-native species), Tahoe National Forest

American Bullfrog (non-native species), Tahoe National Forest: 472mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 400 | 1/500 sec

Bumble Bee, Tahoe National Forest

Bumble Bee, Tahoe National Forest: 500mm | ƒ8 | ISO 1600 | 1/1000 sec

Ceanothus silk moth, Point Reyes National Seashore

Ceanothus silk moth, Point Reyes National Seashore: 35mm | ƒ2.8 | ISO 100 | 1/1600 sec

Sierra fence lizard, Yosemite National Park

Sierra fence lizard, Yosemite National Park: 50mm | ƒ5.6 | ISO 100 | 1/200 sec

Common side-blotched lizard, Channel Islands National Park

Common side-blotched lizard, Channel Islands National Park: 500mm | ƒ7.1 | ISO 250 | 1/1000 sec


Birds of California


American Nature