
Northern Harrier, Point Reyes National Seashore

Today, up at Point Reyes, I pulled over at the side of the road and got my car firmly stuck in a ditch. Everything I tried to get the wheels free failed, and I only succeeded in getting the wheels stuck further. There was no signal on my phone either, so I had to walk across a few fields to reach a dairy farm and ask to use their phone. The one person working showed me to the office, and I called AAA.

When they arrived and pulled me out, I was tired, dusty, and frustrated. I was so close to calling it a day and going home, but something told me to keep going, and I’m happy I did. I saw two northern harriers, one hunting low over a field, the other in a bush. For the second, I waited patiently and caught it, looking straight at the camera during takeoff. If that hadn’t been enough, I came across a herd of elk and a coyote sleeping in a field. He got up, scratched, bathed, and returned to being a badass. Not bad for a day when I almost quit early.

Tule Elk, Point Reyes National Seashore
Northern Harrier, Point Reyes National Seashore
Coyote, Point Reyes National Seashore

Joshua Tree

