Lee Filters

Winter in Yosemite

Today, I was honored to have one of my photos selected for Lee Filters’ March gallery. My photo of Merced River, Yosemite Valley, was one of five chosen by photographer Andrew Marr. Here’s what he had to say about it:

I would love to one day visit Yosemite, with its waterways, unique forests, and majestic mountain ranges. This image has each of these elements, expertly composited to guide the viewer through the scene.

Snow can be difficult to expose correctly. However, Derick has captured detail in the bank of snow along the edge of the water, that helps guide the eye in the midground of the scene, and has also retained detail in the darker shadows amongst the trees.

The falling snow or mist drifting in front of the mountains adds to the mood. By using a shutter speed of 6 seconds, through the use of a Big Stopper filter, Derick has managed to capture more of the fog. This approach also provides separation between the trees and the mountains in the background.

The image leaves me in no doubt that Yosemite should stay high on my list and I think winter would be an excellent time to visit.

In retrospect, it was worth heading up there in a blizzard and wrestling with tire chains until my hands bled for this image and this feature.


Caledonia Calling

