Excellence in Landscapes

Derick and family, with his photograph, Corrugated Dawn

This past weekend, I was honored to collect an award for second place in the Marin County Fair’s Fine Photography competition. My image, Corrugated Dawn, created as part of my Extreme Duality collection, picked up the ribbon in the Monochrome Print category and was also recognized with an Award of Excellence in Landscapes.

Visiting the fair was a great experience, seeing two of my photos on display as they also hung my image of Yosemite Falls, Kinetic Granite. I felt extra proud being able to show Gavin and seeing the quality of the photos on display, including a color landscape by my friend Ryan Hopper hanging beside mine. And incidentally, the image I lost out to in first place was a very worthy winner by Nathan Wirth.

The Fine Photography gallery at the Marin County Fair

A Family Affair

